Have you ever seen
a candle flame
go out on its own?
9 years, 2 months in, 4 months out.
I stopped fighting
not fighting back
just silence
He is fighting in front of the kids
if I am silent
they see
and hear
I thought
Your mommy doesn't love you.
Don't look at her.
She is lying to you when she tells you she loves you.
She is a lying selfish whore.
The flame went out.
The last part of me
I watched my son's eyes
well up with tears
his body heaving sole-breaking sobs
I couldn't even be mad
I just took him into the bedroom
and looked at him in the eyes
and told him
I am done.
Just done.
No more.
I want a divorce.
There was no conflict.
There was no emotion.
There was... nothing.
His sobs, his pleas... nothing.
He swore it wouldn't happen again.
I assured him it would.
He swore again he wouldn't let it.
Why don't I believe him.
I tell him I will stay until it happens again
so that then
it was him
I was right
he is an abuser
I didn't think that one through.
but that's another story.
I'm so sorry you endured so much ugliness. It hurts me to know how awful things were for you and your little ones and I didn't know it was happening. I'm so glad you're now safe and happy and on your way to a better life.